Thursday, November 27, 2008

Surviving the Holidays

Well, it's my first holiday since moving and somehow I managed to survive. Today was also Melissa's birthday. I talked to her about 3 times today, Michelle too. It was hard to not be with them, but they had their plans also. I guess it's all about moving on. Still, a bit hard. Mike, Michael and I had a nice turkey dinner. Then we played a couple of games of Monopoly. Mike creamed us both times, but it was fun. I'm so thankful for the phone and being able to talk to family today. Michael and I went to a dinner last night with some people from church. It was nice to be with others and getting to know them better. Nothing like a good meal to do that. Guess that's what community is all about. I'm learning.
Don't get to start orientation at my new job until Dec. 15th. It got pushed back because HR was not able to get me processed earlier. I also found out that I'm only going to be working on ICU. They said that they were very impressed with me during my peer interviews. I'm glad. Hope I don't let them down.
Had a weird dream last night, or was it this morning? Anyways, all I remember is that I was at a hospital and was sent to take patients in an area that they were opening up because the hospital was getting full. I remember looking out of a window and seeing a tornado overhead. I knew that I was safe where I was at, but the tornado caused two fires at nearby buildings. I knew that I would be helping to take care of the injured. Then I woke up. Don't know what all this means yet, but I will keep praying about it.

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