Thursday, November 06, 2008


My story. It's still a work in progress, but I'll get you caught up to the present. It's been a whirlwind for the last several years for us. Around the time that I graduated nursing school in 2004, Mike and I co-owned a new restaurant. We were more the silent partners as we both had full time jobs. At that time, Mike was working for Waste Management as a maintenance supervisor. Needless to say, the restaurant was not able to turn the corner so we closed the doors after a year. Financially, it sucked us dry, and we made lots of mistakes. Don't get me wrong, we made a lot of good decisions too, but financially, it really sunk us. To make matters worse, the following year, Waste Management decided to let Mike go after 27 years of service. No severance, no nothing. A lot of BS along the way. We talked to a lawyer who assured us that we had a good case against them, but the hard part was the cost it would be having it dragged through the court system. We decided to drop it. (you may want to grab a cup of coffee, the story doesn't end here) Three days after Mike was let go, he was pursuing another dream of his that he began the year earlier. He was going for his solo certification in sky diving. (yes, I even went on a tandem jump on our 20th wedding anniversary! It was so fun!) Anyways, as he was completing his landing, he caught an updraft of wind and ended up breaking his ankle in 3 places. He was not able to put any weight on it for 8 weeks. Not to mention, he couldn't even collect unemployment during that time, because he was not physically employable. We began to toy with ideas for businesses and decided that it would be good for him to go into consulting for heavy equipment. So, we launched MK Consulting Associates. (more about that later) Three months after his ankle and as he was able to walk with a cane, we went to a picnic for the 4th of July. I, not remembering that I was not as young as I used to be, decided to play a friendly game of volleyball. That ended up abruptly when my knee decided to give out. I ended up tearing my ACL, but not completely. I did have surgery on it and lots of rehab. I now have 20% of my ACL left, but it functions. Mike and I actually did rehab together. It was actually rather a funny sight! We have both healed since and continued to pursue our consulting business as I still worked as a nurse. We were also distributors for some of the products Mike endorsed through the business. We attended several trade shows and things were starting to pick up. Check out our website:
MK Consulting Associates/Home
During that time in 2006, we faced another emotional hurdle. We had to put down our oldest dog, Butch. He was 15 years old and he was Mike's best friend (dog). It was so hard for him as they had been through so much. This was a huge loss to Mike. Two years ago, we hit another bump in the road as it was discovered that I had thyroid cancer. Another surgery and a treatment of radioactive iodine has taken care of it. I just had my last scan in September and received a clean bill of health. Not something I wish for anyone, but I am grateful that there is a cure for it. In this past year however, with the economy slowing, so did our business. Mike has a real talent for understanding heavy equipment and maintenance, but nobody is looking to spend money, which in the long run could save money. (might want to top off that cup of coffee) Financially, we were sinking between the loss of the restaurant and several bills that still went with it, medical bills and not enough income, we finally decided to file for bankruptcy. We had done all we could for as long as we could. During the time of this process, Mike had been working with a job hunter and he received a call about this company in Texas. At first, Mike didn't want to consider it because of the location. Mike is a northern boy! He loves his snow and the thought of going to a hot climate did not resonate with him. After we looked at their website: Texas Disposal Systems we decided that they deserved a closer look. At first site, they described a company that has all the ideals that we so longed for in a business, and they were doing it. Mike agreed to an interview and they ended up sending both of us here, all expenses paid for two days to see the area and get to know the company. This all took place only 1 week after finalizing our bankruptcy. If you view their website, be sure to watch the video! They truly are everything they say they are. We told them everything I just told you and left nothing out. They couldn't be more excited to offer Mike the position of industrial maintenance supervisor. We accepted. That's how we landed here.
Now, don't think that Mike and I are exceptionally strong people, we aren't. We are strong in our faith and it has guided us and allowed us to walk through these situations.
So what have I learned in all of this?
1. There is a God
2. I'm not Him
3. He answers prayers
4. He never stops caring for us
We truly believe that God has a purpose for us in all of this and who are we to question Him? All we can do is serve Him with the talents and gifts that He has given to us, no matter where He calls us to do it.

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