Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So, I guess some of it is getting to me. I woke up yesterday feeling very homesick and missing my girls. I guess it's the realization that I can't just pop over to see them, or that the door won't come flying open with one of them coming inside. So I did what most do, I cried. Through my tears I also prayed. I felt as though God was telling me that He knew how I was feeling. I felt better. He never ceases to suprise me! Out of the blue, I received an e-mail from an old friend. It was nice to catch up! This is the third time since moving that I've heard from someone out of my past. Guess it's a small world after all! Have a job interview today and tomorrow. I'm a bit nervous, but still, I'm excited. Still miss home. Guess I wouldn't appreciate it if I didn't miss it so much!

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