Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Heart Transplant

So, here's the question being formulated. Not so much my answer to it, but what I could perceive as the debate about it. It goes like this:

Suppose your only child, or grandchild had an extremely rare heart condition. You were the only one in the world that had a match for a transplant. Donating your heart would mean that you had to die in order to give it to them to live, would you do it??

And so the debates would begin:

A. There must be another way. Nope, this is the child's only hope to live.
B. It is unethical. This is a debate going far beyond my years. Again, this is a hypothetical situation. This is also at the heart of the late-term abortion debates, as in preserving the life of the mother...
C. Maybe there is a way to buy time, and with that time another way out may be discovered. Again, refer back to A.

Ok, so let's say that you have decided that for the love of this child, you would make this sacrifice. Let's take it a step further...

What if this was the child of someone you don't know.

Many would be able to stop here citing the responsibilities to their own family as justification. But let's dig a bit deeper for those who would still be willing for the sake of this precious child...

What if this was the child of a murderer?
What if this was not a child?
What if this were a drug addict? A murderer? An orphan? A person of another race??

To me, it doesn't matter. Yes this is hypothetical, but here's the reality:

Jesus came to earth to do this very thing. He died in the place of everyone who is willing to have his heart transplanted into ours. He did this willingly and unbiased. It doesn't matter the race, the age, the sex, or if the recipient was deemed worthy or not. He did it simply because it was the ONLY way. You and I have a rare heart condition that will lead to death without a transplant of the only donor who is compatable. Are you willing to receive this heart?

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Am I really as accepting of change as I thought I was?

So, I've been getting some new revelations to ponder....

Am I really as accepting of change as I thought I was?

I've always prided myself to being adaptable to change. At least that what I thought. I'm realizing that I am still a creature of habit.

My new job is good. I have finished with orientation, I am now on my own. However, I have realized that most of my time has been spent looking at certain aspects of my job and -dare I say it?- complaining that it is not the same as my old one. The equipment is different. The charting is different. Much different. It seems very archeic to me. I find myself saying, "this is how we did it," referring to my last place of work.

We are at a new church. I love the people here. I love the worship. Yet, I find myself comparing it to our last church. Not so much complaining, yet still that same old "this is how we did it" attitude encroaching.

I haven't joined a new chorus yet. At this point, I'm afraid that all I will do is compare it to my old one and I don't have the energy for that.

I'm trying to be flexible. I am trying to see the good, learn from the old and move forward. I just guess I didn't know that it would be so hard at times. Maybe I am not as accepting of change as I thought I was.

Still trying.