Sunday, October 29, 2006


So, it's been quite some time. I'm still not used to this "blogging" thing. Life's been crazy busy still. It's amazing. Sometimes it seems to take forever to "recover" only to realize that I'm right in the midst of the next situation. I'm feeling pretty good though. The Lord is good. Been reading the Bible more lately and I am facinated every time I read it. Seems like I was hoping for more time, I got it and then didn't do the things I was hoping to do with it. God has an amazing way of keeping things in perspective though. I'm starting to get a better understanding of what Kingdom theology is all about. Ok, maybe not ALL about, but it's making lots more sence to me, which is really freeing. Too tired to blog about it, but it is worth mentioning. Love to chat about it over coffee sometime. Did I mention how much I love coffee???? I have a mug at work. It's a great coffee mug. It says, "Queen of Caffine" on it. I feel the royalty every time I drink it. People know where I sit because of it. Life is good, but time for sleep

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