Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Overtime....time-out...recovery time....wasted time...extra time....timeless....need time...take time....make time...whew! I could go into a rendition of Turn, Turn, Turn and Ecclesiastics! Seems like I never have enough time. Time has been such an interesting concept to me lately. I have been working a lot of overtime, but it seems that I never have enough time for what I think I really want to do. When I do have time on my hands, it seems like I'm too tired to do all the things I wish I could do, if only I had the time. It gets a bit frustrating. I've been trying to be faithful in reading the Bible in a year. As I looked at it today, I realized that I've fallen a few days behind. Guess it's time for catch up. I also realized that I am so grateful because God lives outside the boundaries of time. "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." -Lam 3:23 What a great thing to realize. It is NEW, EVERY morning. God wakes up with us, everyday and it is NEW to Him. There is redemption in Him. God always has time for me, I need to keep making time for Him.

1 comment:

Joe Holda said...

Hey - I didn't know you were blogging. Welcome to the fun (post more often!)