Sunday, October 29, 2006


So, it's been quite some time. I'm still not used to this "blogging" thing. Life's been crazy busy still. It's amazing. Sometimes it seems to take forever to "recover" only to realize that I'm right in the midst of the next situation. I'm feeling pretty good though. The Lord is good. Been reading the Bible more lately and I am facinated every time I read it. Seems like I was hoping for more time, I got it and then didn't do the things I was hoping to do with it. God has an amazing way of keeping things in perspective though. I'm starting to get a better understanding of what Kingdom theology is all about. Ok, maybe not ALL about, but it's making lots more sence to me, which is really freeing. Too tired to blog about it, but it is worth mentioning. Love to chat about it over coffee sometime. Did I mention how much I love coffee???? I have a mug at work. It's a great coffee mug. It says, "Queen of Caffine" on it. I feel the royalty every time I drink it. People know where I sit because of it. Life is good, but time for sleep

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Overtime....time-out...recovery time....wasted time...extra time....timeless....need time...take time....make time...whew! I could go into a rendition of Turn, Turn, Turn and Ecclesiastics! Seems like I never have enough time. Time has been such an interesting concept to me lately. I have been working a lot of overtime, but it seems that I never have enough time for what I think I really want to do. When I do have time on my hands, it seems like I'm too tired to do all the things I wish I could do, if only I had the time. It gets a bit frustrating. I've been trying to be faithful in reading the Bible in a year. As I looked at it today, I realized that I've fallen a few days behind. Guess it's time for catch up. I also realized that I am so grateful because God lives outside the boundaries of time. "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." -Lam 3:23 What a great thing to realize. It is NEW, EVERY morning. God wakes up with us, everyday and it is NEW to Him. There is redemption in Him. God always has time for me, I need to keep making time for Him.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Trying something new

I guess I've waited long enough and am now trying to join the rest of the blogging world. Don't know how long this will last or how well I'll keep up, but I will sure try. Life has been interesting. Lots going on and lots left to do. Sometimes I feel its all I can do to keep up. I know that God is trying to teach me to remain focused, even in the midst of a lot of activity. I am learning that it is best to focus on one task before going on to the next. I caught myself when cleaning up the other day. Same old story. I started cleaning one area, found some dirty dishes, brought them to the sink, then realized that I should load the diswasher. I had a vase in the dishwasher that needed to be put away, then I realized that my china cabinet was dusty, so here comes the dusting cloth. Then I realized that the table needed a good dusting and polishing. I think you know how the story goes. Good news, I did stop there and then proceeded to continue with my first task until completion. I still need to vaccum though. I guess I'll get to it when I can focus on it. Lesson of the day: multitasking is fine, provided my full attention is on the task at hand.