Thursday, December 11, 2008


So, this is where I get stuck.
I have all these thoughts running through my head, but don't know how to sort them out.
Every morning it's like making a checklist of my present circumstances.

Waiting for job to start Monday, trailing off to the unknown thoughts of the job, will I like it? Is is the right place for me? Am I good enough? Is this where God wants me?

Christmas is coming. What should I plan for that day? Did I spend too much money? Did I send everything out? How am I going to feel without the girls here? What does God have in store for their future?

Mike's Job. He hates his job. Should I just tell him to suck it up for now? Is this really where God wants him? Is he doing something wrong? Is he not doing something he should? How do I pray for the people that are driving him crazy when I don't have any contact with them? Does it matter that I don't have any contact with them? How can I be an encouragement to Mike when I know he really doesn't like it here? Is he just not giving it a chance? Am I being selfish in wanting him to like it? Should I be encouraging him to do something else? What does God want us to do?

Michael will probably be joining the National Guard. Should I be encouraging this decision? Will he come back to a relationship with God? Should I be more blunt with him and possibly push him away? Do I really want him to go? What is God calling him to do?

Church life. I really love this new church and getting to know the people there. Still, there's that question as to my function. Should I be doing something? Should I just be using this time to soak and be quiet? Am I too trusting? Am I holding back? What does God want me to do within this body of believers to further his Kingdom?

Living in Texas. Texas? Why here? Do I like it here? Does it matter if I like it? Am I afraid to like it and be plucked away? Texas? Why did I have to move so far away? Would I ever want to go back? Back to what? What if I like it here and Mike doesn't? Is this home? Is this temporary? Why did God bring us here? Am I missing what He wants to show us?

And so goes the questions. Which, I guess, ultimately lead to the same question. God, what do you want of me? I want to be willing. I think I am willing. Will I ever know for sure? What do I do until I am sure? How can I serve You?